• Services •

Asset Inspections & Reporting

• 20 years of experience •

While routine asset maintenance proves effective for quality sustainability, seeking out experts to conduct tailored inspection and reporting services ensures you’re a step ahead when it comes to safety.

Raven Tanks Australia has over 20 years of experience carrying out asset appraisals and delivering comprehensive reports to commercial and industrial customers worldwide.

We observe and analyze global assets by standard visual inspection or specialized evaluation where necessary, keeping services as cost-effective as possible for our clients.

Engineering industries and government bodies around the world set out strategic resolutions to keep commercial assets in A1, fully functional shape.

Why Conduct Regular Asset Inspections?

Failing to engage in professional asset inspectional services places your water storage systems, pumping stations, anti-flood structures and other assets at risk of malfunction.

Preventative inspections allow us to provide clients with a more personalised asset-specific evaluation, rather than waiting for faults to be discovered and then attempting to repair them.

Accurate and punctual reporting also acts as a reference indicator for future inspections, allowing us to compare subsequent results and determine what’s truly failing and how.

A Raven Tanks Australia commercial asset report can provide valuable insights into:

Common Findings Detrimental to Commercial Assets

Benefits of Routine Asset Inspections

Our Commercial Asset Reporting Inclusions

Most Australian industries include strict regulations regarding who can carry out asset inspections and reporting services. Relevant qualifications are required and should only be conducted by licenced, insured and approved engineers.

Remember, avoiding maintenance or preventative action could result in catastrophic asset failure causing human health hazards and legal complications on the owner’s part.

What We Service

While component restoration generally remains the low-cost preference in most scenarios, oftentimes assets showing signs of irreparability have only one option being complete replacement services.

REG has decades of experience surveying and reporting on: