• ROV/UAV Inspections •
Underwater Drone Inspections
• 20 years of experience •
Raven Tanks Australia provides high-tech UAV marine inspections, specializing in non-destructive underwater drone inspections, testing, and maintenance services identifying problematic situations and restoration opportunities for a number of industry sectors.
Marina and commercial loading jetty inspections that were once highly logistical, costly challenges have now been simplified by UAV capabilities. Pier and marine dock undersurfaces also traditionally proved time-consuming to examine, however, remotely operated tech has since taken over with the benefits and savings passed on to our clients.
Increased Response Times
Live UAV feeds allow for super-fast decisions to be made including fault remedial works, safety issues or potentially life-threatening scenarios. Super-fast, Fly In Fly Out style inspections are now possible camera and flight technology advancing and integrating rapidly into marine engineering. Emergency drone inspection services are also possible.
Keep Things Moving
Zero downtime for most marine assets. Safety gear and setting up restricted or designated areas are virtually a thing of the past thanks to UAVs. Drones allow for quick data captures without delays, limitations or requiring special permissions to render anything temporarily offline.
Underwater Drone Inspection Applications
- Marine Asset Condition Inspections
- Insurance Validations
- Underwater Salvage Projects
- Marine Infrastructure Inspections – Jetties, piers, docks, moorings and other foundational and navigational property inspections.
- Dry Dock Inspections
- Commercial Ports
- Pipelines & Equipment
- Underwater Lighting
- In-Dock Commercial Vessel Inspections
Jetty & Marine Asset Solutions – How It Works
We’ve adapted innovative new inspectional methodologies replacing traditional jetty assessments with robotic-based inspections. With short-notice flight planning and deployment, Raven Tanks Australia has a team at the ready for most time-sensitive marine asset inspections on demand.
REG utilizes UAVs and pole-mounted camera technology reducing the need for large onsite teams and equipment usually difficult to transport. Generally, only three engineers are required for most marine and underwater asset drone inspections. Here’s how it works:
- 1. Our cameras capture entire jetty lengths from its land-connecting entrance to its end
- 2. Imagery and video are digitally assembled and placed into a database with asset drawings
- 3. Pixel stitching can be executed to reconfigure multiple images into a singular image for streamlining evaluation and reporting.
- 4. Areas of challenging access that appear to require further NDT procedures can be viewed and compared from the distantly captured high-resolution footage.
Aerial Marina & Waterfront Photos
Our UAV aerial photography services extend from underwater inspections to high-definition marina and commercial waterfront building recordings.
Capture boats, moorings, piers and waterfront construction projects with impeccable drone footage of your riverside or oceanside site landscape. Document your seaside or lakeside assets while gathering unparalleled visuals of breathtaking water-view commercial projects in the making.
Waterfront surroundings consist of all sorts of critical development information waiting to be captured including parking accessibility, traffic management and nearby infrastructure that could influence a business site’s success.
Get the full scoop and create a dream impression of your commercial waterfront development with a REG aerial documentation project.
Contact Raven Tanks Australia
For further information regarding underwater UAV inspection services or aerial waterfront commercial property documentation!