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Water Tank Relining: 6 Reasons to do it now than later

Why is it advisable to reline a water tank rather than replace it?

Water tanks are an efficient water storage solution for residential and industrial applications. They function most effectively when well-maintained and in compliance with contemporary standards and regulations. But without proper maintenance, water tanks can develop signs of corrosion and deterioration. Although corrosion is a common occurrence during the lifecycle of a water tank, especially for steel tanks, installing a corrosion-resistant tank lining helps fight against corrosion.

If a water tank is left to rust for an extended period, it may be necessary to replace the entire tank. However, monitoring your tank, performing routine maintenance, and installing a water tank lining will last significantly longer. Alternatively, you may be interested in other concrete water tank liner replacement options.

6 Reasons to Reline Your Water Tank

Due to their design, all water storage tanks are inherently prone to corrosion. It’s not all bad news, though! You don’t necessarily need to replace failing tanks because relining it would suffice already.

Check out these six reasons why relining your water tank is a viable option instead of replacing it entirely.

1. Protects against corrosion

Liners for water tanks serve primarily to prevent water pollution and protect the tanks’ quality. Therefore, linings of water are manufactured from non-corrosive, chemically inert materials. Given the various chemicals used in your water treatment process, it would be disastrous to employ corrosive water liners, as they would contaminate the water. Therefore, you must ensure that the water tank liners you choose are non-corrosive.

In addition to safeguarding the quality of your water tanks, water tank liners will protect the purity of your water. To enjoy the benefits that tank liners provide to a water treatment facility, you should purchase the highest quality water tank liners from a reputable vendor in your area.

2. A cost-efficient alternative to replacement

The cost of replacing a water tank can be high, including the labour needed to replace the current tank with a new one and the engineers and personnel employed to complete the work. So rather than purchasing a new tank, it is best to invest in a high-quality tank lining. Your tank can be repaired and relined quickly, effectively, and affordably with the assistance of water tank specialists.

3. Easy to install

It will be much quicker to repair and reline a water tank than to completely replace it. The repair and relining work is typically performed on the same day, minimizing overall disruption to business operations.

Choose water tank liners for water systems that are straightforward to install. Even a modest water treatment facility employs large concrete or metal tanks. Before deciding on a specific tank liner, you should examine the installation’s simplicity. The flexibility of water storage tank liners is affected by the material used to create them.

You can obtain flexible, heavy-duty tank liners that are simple to install. In addition, you should consider whether your water tanks are above or below ground. Some concrete tank liners may be simple to put on underground water tanks but challenging to install on above-ground water tanks.

4. It helps prevent bacterial growth

Corrosion and deterioration of water tanks lead to holes that promote the growth of micro marine bacteria, such as Legionella, Pseudomonas, and Biofilm. Covering steel water tanks with an approved, solvent-free coating makes it possible to prevent the formation of such bacteria.

5. Reduces the need for frequent maintenance

The new water treatment tank lining renders the structure’s inner surface durable and smooth, making it simple to clean and maintain. Moreover, custom tank liners are highly flexible and can accommodate any structural movement. This indicates that the liners expand and contract independently, protecting the structural integrity.

5. Ensures water safety

A full on-site assessment is usually required during a water relining project. Your lining crew will also clean and disinfect the tank before beginning the relining process to remove any accumulated bacteria. This gives you peace of mind as you don’t need to return to the site to commission the system.

Looking for Water Tank Specialists in Brisbane, Queensland?

Relining a water tank helps keep it in good condition and prevents harmful germs and mould from growing. If your tank fails, it can corrode, and seals and joints can begin to fail. In any case, acting quickly when you notice issues in your water tank is extremely important.

If you require a water tank repair or reline in Brisbane, QLD or the surrounding areas, or you think your water tank may need replacing, get in touch with our team today at Raven Tanks. We offer a wide range of Design, Manufacturing and Onsite Services to help ensure our clients’ Storage Tanks & Liners are maintained following relevant Australian Standards, Asset Warranties, Building Insurance Requirements and Design Codes.

Contact us today to learn more about our services!

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